Nausicaa: of The Valley of The Wind

Nausicaa was not my first Studio Ghibli film, nor is it my favorite, but I still love it with a passion. This film is beautiful! While that can be said for every Studio Ghibli film that doesn't mean it isn't unique for each film.
Nausicaa is beautiful most of all in its scenery. My favorite of course being the Toxic Jungle. The spores resembling snow are absolutely gorgeous and In general the way this movie shows things we usually dislike, fungus and bugs, in a beautiful way is one of the most unique things about it.

I feel like Nausicaa is often forgotten in the wake of Princess Monanoke. While I also love that film it feels unfair that Nausicaa gets dismissed because of it. Nausicaa is just as powerful and in its own way visually breathtaking.
Nausicca's eerily quiet atmosphere and lofi animation is its appeal, the visuals may be older but they have their own charm. The colors are also incredible. From the desert to the jungle, to the open blue skies. The color story of the film really sucks you into the moment.
Nausicaa: of The Valley of The Wind is an amazing movie and needs more recognition. Every Ghibli film is great and this one was the first to do it.