The Clinic
This is where I keep my resources for when I'm not feeling well. I made this page as a reminder to myself but I hope you'll also find them useful.
Coping Tools
- Taking a walk
- Going outside
- Breathing exersizes
- Jouraling
- Talk to someone
- Blogging
- Draw in sketchbook
- Doodle
- Draw in MS Paint
- Draw in Kid Pix
- Add to junk joural
- Do world building
- Work on characters
- Writing poetry
- Work on a project
- Work on website
- Program
- Work on a game
In Case of a Panic Attack
- Lie down
- Lie with weighted blanket
- Get colder
If Angry
- Rage cleaning
- Calm cleaning
Food & Drink
- Hot cider
- Hot cocoa
- Comforting music
- Play a new game
- Browse
- Browse Neocities
- Read Comics
- Watch comfort shows
- Cuddle with Pets
- Play with pets
- Cuddle with stuffies
- Try a new hobby
- Cooking
- Baking
- Write a letter you won't send
- Reread nice comments
Comfort Media
Comfort Shows
- My Little Pony
- Steven Universe
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Oswald
- Stampylongose
- The Bear In The Big Blue House
- Bluey
- Ruby Gloom
- The Big Comfy Couch
- Veggietales
- Carebears
Comfort Games
- Celeste
- Stardew Valley
- Sun Haven
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Animal Crossing